Časté dotazy
Podívejte se na nejčastější otázky zákazníků.
Vaši otázku možná již zodpověděli. Zjistěte bez čekání jak.
Vyhledávejte mezi stovkami otázek všeho druhu.
I would like to change my billing cycle, how can I do it?
Please send your request through the contact form and choose from following bill cycles:
a) Bill cycle from 6th – 5th day of next month. Due date on 20th day of the month.
b) Bill cycle from 13th – 12th day of next month. Due date on 27th day of the month.
c) Bill cycle from 20th – 19th day of next month. Due date on 4th day of the month.
The change will be made gradually.